Incident Details
Assigned to Employee: Randy Jimenez
  Incident ID:
Title: Axis Min and Max Question
Creator:  Will Lo  ( Created: 5/25/2009 # of Updates: 2 Current Status: Completed
Latest Reply

Reply# 2 by: Randy Jimenez (Software FX) Date: 5/25/2009 11:29:59 AMEST
Dear Will Lo:

Thanks for contacting Software FX Support. My name is Randy Jimenez and I will be glad to help you.

The issue may be related to the moment in which you are making use of these properties. Could you please provide us with a sample code showing exactly how and where you are using them? Additionally, please let us know the version of Chart FX you are currently using.


Randy Jimenez
Software FX Support

Reply# 1 by: Will Lo Date: 5/25/2009 10:47:34 AMEST

From: Will Lo
Sent: May 19, 2009 2:50 PM
To: ''
Subject: Axis Min and Max Question


Hello Chart FX Support, my support number is: CFXSUPXXXXXXXXXXXX


I have a question regarding the initialization of the AxisX.min, AxisX.max, AxisY.min, and AxisY.max properties.


On the chart’s designer properties, I have the min and max values set to auto for both X and Y axes. My chart’s DataSource is a ListProvider. Currently, I am loading in 5 curves to plot.

I need to make use of the min and max properties of the chart, however, they are not being set to the actual min and max values of the data I am presenting it.


The Axis.Min value is 1.7976XXXXXXXXXXXXE+308 and the Axis.Max value is -1.79769313486231E+308. I am assuming these are the initialization values when the chart has no data.


Am I missing something to get the chart to automatically fill in the min and max values for the X and Y axes?



Will Lo

Software Developer

Canada Tech

#7, 7875 - 48 Ave.

Red Deer, AB Canada, T4P 2K1

Office: 403-314-3659

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