Incident Details
Assigned to Employee: Manuel Millan
  Incident ID:
Title: When Value is Zero or NULL
Creator:  Raymond C. Dazo  ( Created: 11/22/2005 # of Updates: 4 Current Status: Completed
Latest Reply

Reply# 4 by: Manuel Millan (Software FX) Date: 11/28/2005 9:09:40 AMEST
Dear Raymond C. Dazo:

1) The HasData property is set to false because you are binding the data rather than using the Chart FX API to pass the data. When you use the API to set the points this is automaticaly set to true. I will submit this as a feature request.

2) I apologize for not elaborating. You ask me to compare our product with third party vendors that were not even mentioned in your email. I will provide this as feedback to our development team, but since I am not aware of any third party components that render faster nor am I aware of the third party's implementation of the charting component, I can't comment on why one component is faster than the other.

Manuel Millan

Reply# 3 by: Raymond C. Dazo Date: 11/23/2005 9:25:20 PMEST
Hi Manuel,
Thank you for the quick help.
>>1) The chart1.Data.Y.HasData boolean reports false unless you manually set the data by writing chart1.Data[0,0] so this won't work.
>>I don't see a way to check this since 0 is considered a value in the chart. My only suggestion would be depending on how you pass
>>the data, check if there are any non-zero values in the database before setting the datasource of the chart with this data.
I already thought of checking it before databinding, well it would be very convenient if you have a property for this kind of situation. The Chart.Data.X.Hasdata could do the trick(but it's always set to false, may I know why?). Or you could have the Chart.Series(0).HasData would be better since it could check if there are values for each series. Would you?
>>2) I don't know.
Manuel, you've been a big help and I don't what to be rude. Sorry but this is the most stupid answer I heard from a support. If you can't give me a considerable answer, might as well have one of your support answer my question.
>>3) For further information regarding this matter, you may contact John Beech from our sales department. He will be more than willing
>>to provide you with the available options. He can be reached at 561-999-8888 xt. 288 or 1-800-392-4278.
Thank you,

Raymond C. Dazo
Interprise Solutions Team

Reply# 2 by: Manuel Millan (Software FX) Date: 11/23/2005 11:26:54 AMEST
Dear Raymond C. Dazo:

1) The chart1.Data.Y.HasData boolean reports false unless you manually set the data by writing chart1.Data[0,0] so this won't work. I don't see a way to check this since 0 is considered a value in the chart. My only suggestion would be depending on how you pass the data, check if there are any non-zero values in the database before setting the datasource of the chart with this data.

2) I don't know.

3) For further information regarding this matter, you may contact John Beech from our sales department. He will be more than willing to provide you with the available options. He can be reached at 561-999-8888 xt. 288 or 1-800-392-4278.

Manuel Millan

Reply# 1 by: Raymond C. Dazo Date: 11/22/2005 11:26:18 PMEST
Just want to sat that your new chart (ChartFxVS2005) is actually better than before!
I only have three questions:
First. I have this table:
Label             Value
Completed         0
In Progress        0
Not Started       0
I use databinding to fill my chart with data from this table. Now if all of the values in the Value Column are zeroes or null, the chart will show a chart similar to the attached file. It is a bar chart. I really don't have problem with this one. However if I change it to a pie chart, the chart will not be drawn (obviously) but the legend is still drawn because there are values in the Label Column. My question is how will you know through code that the chart has no data (meaning in this kind of situation) so I just have to hide the chart??? Chart.Data.X.HasData is always set to False with or without values. Chart.Poinst.Count or Chart.Series.Count is not applicable.
Second. Your new chart takes 15 seconds to initialize or load on my computer that has 2ghz of cpu (64bit), 1gb or RAM, and 64bit Mobo. Other 3rd party controls that support .Net 2.0 takes only 3 or less. Is there any explanation about this.
Third. When will be the release?
I think that's all. I appreciate your help. Hoping for your quick reply.
Thank you,
Raymond Dazo
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